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Your Body Knows… Listen to It

By Alyce Stewart

On October 19, 2016, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. My first reaction was, “Are you kidding me?” I had already gone through this drill once, diagnosed in December 1993 with stage II kidney cancer. This was not a scenario I ever wanted to repeat, but there it was… the Big C, once again staring me in the face. How could this happen? I had my annual mammogram in January, and the results were negative, with no evidence of disease. Breast cancer doesn’t run in my family, and kidney cancer doesn’t metastasize there. Did I lose a bet or what?

Being a type A personality, I went home, got on my computer, and did exactly what the doctors tell you not to; I went to the internet. Having supported many others through their breast cancer journeys, I was pretty well versed in the subject, or so I thought. Nope, I had no idea what was ahead for me. But the one thing I did know was had I not listened to my inner voice and my aching body, this may not have been diagnosed. Hmmm, that’s a familiar story; seems I was on this path before.

Oh yes, I remember it took almost ten years to discover the tumors growing in my kidney. In the late 80s, I complained of pains in my back, headaches, and flu-like symptoms. Many doctors saw me over the ensuing years and said ridiculous things; for instance, “Your underwear is too tight.” What a bizarre diagnosis, and there would be others just as absurd. The last one was my favorite, “You’re that age.” What the heck does that mean? 

I finally met a doctor in November 1993 who listened and sent me for an ultrasound. As I lay on the table, I asked the technician if I could watch, and she said, “sure.” She applied the cold, goopy gel, adjusted the screen so I could see, and began the exam. We were chatting with each other when there it was: a white, ghostly-looking image. She stopped talking; the quiet scared me as I realized it wasn’t supposed to be there. When she finished, she softly asked if I had a follow-up with my doctor, and then I knew something was very wrong. A week later, the prognosis came back, and that was the first time I met the Big C. I was hospitalized immediately and lost my right kidney on the 9th of December 1993. After removing the kidney, the doctors pronounced me cured, and I thought I had dodged a bullet.

As the years passed, I would tell others to listen to their bodies and not give up. I told them to get second opinions and to question their doctors. I was on a mission; I wanted to save others from going through what I did, searching for answers to my pain. I would tell them you know your body best, listen to it. I thought I’ve got this. WRONG! 

In 2010 I went to my GYN doctor and told her I had a strange pain in my left breast. She examined me and said, “You’re fine; you just need better bras.” Yup, underwear again. This scenario played out for several years; why I didn’t question her, I honestly don’t know. Here I was telling others to seek second opinions while I accepted what my doctor said. I turned a deaf ear to my body’s messages and never sought a second opinion. What a hypocrite I was.

In 2016 the pain worsened and spread to my armpit; I thought I had pulled a muscle. I had massages, adjustments, and exams. Nothing worked, the pain continued, and there was no relief. It was time to listen to my body and get to the bottom of this. I got my second opinion when I saw my family doctor, who ordered multiple tests resulting in a diagnosis of breast cancer both in my left breast and my left axilla. I learned I had dense breasts, and my mammograms could not pick up these images. With dense breasts, other tests have to be ordered, such as MRIs and ultrasounds. I had surgery, chemo, and radiation and was declared NED: no evidence of disease.

My mission continues as I jog along this crazy trail called life. I talk about dense breasts and share my story of six years of pain and not seeking a second opinion. I didn’t listen to my body, and I put all my trust in a doctor’s hands, which was a huge mistake. I stress that you MUST listen to your body, don’t ignore the message, and seek other opinions. The results can be deadly if you don’t.

When I had my surgery in 2017 for my breast cancer, the doctor was unable to remove all of the cancer, so I was deemed at risk. Due to this risk, I have been having blood work every six months. In October 2023, my cancer marker results were high. I was told this could be a false positive and the test was repeated a week later, again the results were high. After much testing it was determined that I am now in stage 4 and I have metastatic breast cancer (MBC) in my lung and bones. 

I have now added speaking about MBC and explaining that there are many treatment options available, and patients are living longer with this diagnosis. I am a Thriver and I tell my story and talk about MBC whenever I can. Education and early detention are so important, and I emphasize that to all because I feel so blessed that this was found as early as it was. I have monthly treatments and will for the rest of my life. I’m doing well, my breast cancer is under control, but now I live with a chronic disease, metastatic breast cancer, because I did not listen.

Your body knows; listen to it!

Más información:

En el Podcast: Conversaciones sobre el cáncer de mama

Conocer las modalidades de cribado del cáncer de mama


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  • vie, 18 oct
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    18 de octubre de 2024, 19:00 - 20:30 h EDT
    Evento virtual
    18 de octubre de 2024, 19:00 - 20:30 h EDT
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    Únase a nosotros en la manifestación oficial #TakeAHike Pep Rally, una reunión festiva para lanzar nuestra 2ª recaudación de fondos anual Tell Cancer To Go #TakeAHike.
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    lun, 21 oct
    Evento en línea
    Oct 21, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
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    Oct 21, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EDT
    Evento en línea
    El proceso de meditación enfocada con atención e intención puede proporcionar respuestas a varias preguntas que podamos tener especialmente en torno a creencias limitantes. Esta es una oportunidad para anclar las enseñanzas de los chakras y transformar nuestra conciencia alrededor.
  • Fechas múltiples
    lun, 21 oct
    Evento en línea
    21 de octubre de 2024, 17:30 - 18:30 EDT
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    21 de octubre de 2024, 17:30 - 18:30 EDT
    Evento en línea
    ¿Sabías que tienes poderes mágicos? Todos podemos cambiar literalmente nuestro cuerpo a través de la respiración y el movimiento. Experimenta esta práctica ancestral y siente cómo crecen tus propios poderes.
  • Fechas múltiples
    lun, 21 oct
    Oct 21, 2024, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
    Oct 21, 2024, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
    Únete a nuestro grupo de apoyo emocional dirigido por una experimentada psicóloga para recibir el apoyo necesario mientras enfrentas el desafío del cáncer. El diagnóstico de cáncer puede traer consigo una carga emocional abrumadora, y estamos aquí para ayudarte a transitar este camino.
  • mar, 22 oct
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 22, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 22, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Join us for "Decoding the Impact of the IRA on Patients" to dive into the effects of these policies, including drug pricing shifts and Medicare Part D updates. Learn how patient access, costs, and advocacy will evolve in the coming years.
  • mié, 23 oct
    Online 5 Week Program
    23 de octubre de 2024, 18:00 - 19:15 EDT
    Online 5 Week Program
    23 de octubre de 2024, 18:00 - 19:15 EDT
    Online 5 Week Program
    ¿Cuál es tu historia? Una serie de talleres divertidos y atractivos de 5 semanas de duración que darán rienda suelta a nuestra creatividad y nos ofrecerán nuevas formas de contar nuestras historias. No es necesario tener experiencia, estas sesiones están diseñadas para fomentar la imaginación y nutrir la conexión.
  • mié, 23 oct
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 23, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 23, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Looking for unique holiday gifts that make a difference? Join us to support creative individuals living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and discover how their talents can inspire your holiday giving!
  • Fechas múltiples
    Thu, Oct 24
    Oct 24, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM EDT
    Oct 24, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM EDT
    Este es tu grupo semanal de apoyo al cáncer de mama. Es un espacio virtual acogedor y atractivo donde puedes venir a conocer a otras personas, hacer preguntas o simplemente escuchar. Nuestras sesiones son siempre confidenciales y un espacio amigable que ofrece apoyo, así como un poco de humor.
  • Fechas múltiples
    Thu, Oct 24
    Evento en línea
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    Evento en línea
    Oct 24, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EDT
    Evento en línea
    IBC 2.0 es un grupo de apoyo privado para personas que se han graduado de nuestro grupo permanente Thursday Night Thrivers-IBC. Nuestro grupo IBC 2.0 se sumerge en temas, preguntas y preocupaciones en un nivel más profundo que los miembros ya se conocen entre sí y se han graduado de TNT-IBC.
  • Thu, Oct 24
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 24, 2024, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 24, 2024, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
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    vie, 18 oct
    18 de octubre de 2024, 19:00 - 20:30 h EDT
    Evento virtual
    18 de octubre de 2024, 19:00 - 20:30 h EDT
    Evento virtual
    Únase a nosotros en la manifestación oficial #TakeAHike Pep Rally, una reunión festiva para lanzar nuestra 2ª recaudación de fondos anual Tell Cancer To Go #TakeAHike.
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  • Apoyo emocional
    Apoyo emocional
    Fechas múltiples
    lun, 21 oct
    Oct 21, 2024, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT
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    Únete a nuestro grupo de apoyo emocional dirigido por una experimentada psicóloga para recibir el apoyo necesario mientras enfrentas el desafío del cáncer. El diagnóstico de cáncer puede traer consigo una carga emocional abrumadora, y estamos aquí para ayudarte a transitar este camino.
  • Decoding the Impact of the IRA on Patients
    Decoding the Impact of the IRA on Patients
    mar, 22 oct
    Oct 22, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 22, 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Join us for "Decoding the Impact of the IRA on Patients" to dive into the effects of these policies, including drug pricing shifts and Medicare Part D updates. Learn how patient access, costs, and advocacy will evolve in the coming years.
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    mié, 23 oct
    23 de octubre de 2024, 18:00 - 19:15 EDT
    Online 5 Week Program
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    ¿Cuál es tu historia? Una serie de talleres divertidos y atractivos de 5 semanas de duración que darán rienda suelta a nuestra creatividad y nos ofrecerán nuevas formas de contar nuestras historias. No es necesario tener experiencia, estas sesiones están diseñadas para fomentar la imaginación y nutrir la conexión.
  •  Shop to Support Artists Living with MBC
     Shop to Support Artists Living with MBC
    mié, 23 oct
    Oct 23, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Oct 23, 2024, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT
    Facebook, Youtube, Twitter
    Looking for unique holiday gifts that make a difference? Join us to support creative individuals living with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) and discover how their talents can inspire your holiday giving!


Surviving Breast Cancer ofrece apoyo, eventos y seminarios web sobre el cáncer de mama ¡sin coste alguno para usted! Tanto si desea adquirir más conocimientos sobre un tema en particular como si desea reunirse con otras supervivientes de cáncer de mama, tenemos algo para todo el mundo. 


Nuestra cita permanente de los jueves es para todos los estadios. También organizamos grupos específicos una vez al mes para estadios y subtipos concretos, como el cáncer de mama metastásico, el cáncer de mama inflamatorio, etc. 


El Club de Lectura se reúne el primer domingo de cada mes a las 11 am ET. Puedes unirte todos los meses o elegir un mes en función de tu disponibilidad y del libro que estemos leyendo. 


A través del arte, la escritura y otras modalidades creativas, tenemos el poder de gestionar nuestro estrés, dar sentido a nuestro ahora y relajarnos en momentos de quietud. 


Clases gratuitas, mensuales y en línea de yoga restaurativo, yoga para el cáncer de mama y Zumba. 


Después de un diagnóstico

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