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  • Foto del escritorSobrevivir al cáncer de mama

Vivo un poco más

Por Lee Ann Morin

A year ago, my world was turned upside down. I opened a my-chart result expecting to confirm a kidney stone. Instead, I read the words “multiple lytic osseous lesions… metastatic disease… multiple myeloma or lymphoma.” It took over a month to get a definitive diagnosis of Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer to lymph nodes, multiple bones, and sub centimeter nodes on the lung. There were a lot of moments of tears, fear, and anger. I was carried through those initial moments by my loving partner, my kids, parents, siblings, friends, coworkers (past and present).

Treatment was met with the anticipation of what it would entail, hope that it would work, and fear that it wouldn’t. Due to the type of MBC I have, I have been able to take endocrine therapy and avoid chemotherapy for now. Fatigue has been the most difficult side effect but I’ve made peace with it, rest, pace myself, and practice self care when I need to, even if it means declining activities I like to do. I have a great support system and a fiancé who, with one look, knows my level of fatigue, tells me to go lie down, and takes care of the rest. ️

¿Por qué yo?

When I started my MBC journey, I was grieving for the life I thought I was supposed to live. I was angry and asked, why me god? Why me? I had too much to live for! I was sad more than anything else. I was sad I might not get to see milestones in my kids and grandkids lives. I was sad I might not get to live to see retirement. I was sad I might not get to grow old with my love. I was sad my parents might have to bury a child. I was sad that the one parent my kids could depend on might not be there for them.

No one knows what God's plan is for us. No one. I am only too familiar with the "Why me" questions as I have had to answer this question before. When I miscarried three precious babies. Why me? When I found out my first rainbow baby, Garrett, had spina bifida. Why me? I was working at a job that I was totally burnt out from and dreaded going into work every night. Why me? When I was married to a good man who was an alcoholic. Why me? When I had to pull my big girl pants up and work my ass off to make a plan to leave a life that was sucking the life out of me. Why me? When I finally found the relationship with Dave, I had always dreamed of, and then he was in a horrific motorcycle accident and was facing a long recovery. Why me?

Una respuesta a mi pregunta

I was able to finally answer my question to God. Why NOT me? If I had not had the miscarriages prior to both of my sons births I would not have THEM. If Garrett didn't have spina bifida he and I wouldn't be the people we are today without all the hard lessons learned. (I would never want my baby to have to go through what he does but he lives his life with grace and humility and there are a lot of lessons there!).

Si no hubiera tenido el tremendo estrés de trabajar en el hospital en las trincheras, no me habría visto empujada a buscar el trabajo de mis sueños, que adoro absolutamente.

Si no hubiera sido codependiente, no habría aprendido todas las lecciones que necesitaba para ser la persona fuerte e independiente que soy hoy y para tener finalmente el valor de alejarme.

If we hadn't had the opportunity to go through the extensive hospitalizations, surgeries and recovery, Dave and I might not have the unbelievable faith filled bond and relationship we have today. I have faith that there is a plan. No one has an "expires by" date! Yes, I have terminal cancer, but I am also alive and for right now I feel pretty darn good. I trust that this is part of my journey on this earth and I am learning from it, may help others from it, and feel blessed by it, as I do all the other "why me" moments I have had.

Apreciar cada momento

In retrospect, what an amazing year it has been! I have been very transparent with my journey and have been touched by a lot of people I had lost contact with. I have become closer to my siblings. I have a dear friend who has contacted me- Every. Single. Day. since the news! I step outside the box a little more, break the rules a little more, and have made an effort to speak to people when I normally would have been quiet. I live a little more.

Treatment so far has stopped progression, although I have fleeting thoughts about it each day, it doesn’t consume my life. I can’t control it but I can control how I respond to it. I can control how I choose to live my life. I don’t take anything for granted, ever. I am planning my wedding to my best friend. I am planning trips. I am planning my retirement. I cherish every moment with my kids, grandkids, parents, family, and friends. I eat the ice cream without guilt.

Mi consejo para cualquiera que esté pasando por una experiencia difícil es que encuentre alegría en cada día y tenga esperanzas y sueños para el futuro. Es lo mejor que podemos hacer.

Gracias por compartir tu historia, Lee Ann. ¡SBC te quiere!

Lunes de meditación:

Canto de los chakras con Gloria

Lunes a las 10.00 h ET 


Thursday Night Thrivers:

Grupo de apoyo en todas las etapas

Jueves a las 19.00 h ET



Thursday Night Thrivers:

Grupo de apoyo al cáncer de mama metastásico

Primer y tercer jueves

del mes a las 19.00 h ET



Thursday Night Thrivers:

Grupo de apoyo al cáncer de mama inflamatorio

Segundo jueves

del mes a las 19.00 h ET


Martes por la noche

Después de un Diagnóstico:

Grupo de Apoyo en Español

2do y Cuarto Martes de cada mes 

7:00 p.m. ET


Fomentar y empoderar

Para recién diagnosticados

10 de septiembre, 11:00 a.m. ET


Club de lectura sobre el cáncer de mama

El primer domingo de cada mes


Baño de bosque

7 de mayo, 6:00 p.m. ET


Reflexionar y recargar

Escritura expresiva

13 de mayo, 6:00 p.m. ET


Yoga Fitness con asistencia en silla

14 de mayo, 11:30 a.m. ET


Estiramientos de yoga para el colgajo DIEP

14 de mayo, 6:00 p.m. ET


Yoga Restaurativo:

Descubrir oportunidades

20 de mayo , 5:30 p.m. ET


Respiración corporal

21 de mayo , 6:00 p.m. ET


Localización de cerebros

27 de mayo, 18.00 h ET


Qi Gong

28 de mayo, 11:30 a.m. ET



June 3, 6:00 p.m. ET


More events in English


Próximos eventos


Surviving Breast Cancer ofrece apoyo, eventos y seminarios web sobre el cáncer de mama ¡sin coste alguno para usted! Tanto si desea adquirir más conocimientos sobre un tema en particular como si desea reunirse con otras supervivientes de cáncer de mama, tenemos algo para todo el mundo. 


Nuestra cita permanente de los jueves es para todos los estadios. También organizamos grupos específicos una vez al mes para estadios y subtipos concretos, como el cáncer de mama metastásico, el cáncer de mama inflamatorio, etc. 


El Club de Lectura se reúne el primer domingo de cada mes a las 11 am ET. Puedes unirte todos los meses o elegir un mes en función de tu disponibilidad y del libro que estemos leyendo. 


A través del arte, la escritura y otras modalidades creativas, tenemos el poder de gestionar nuestro estrés, dar sentido a nuestro ahora y relajarnos en momentos de quietud. 


Clases gratuitas, mensuales y en línea de yoga restaurativo, yoga para el cáncer de mama y Zumba. 


Después de un diagnóstico

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